Kenan Michel, PhD
(Dr. Michel)
"You cannot hope to build a better world
without improving the individuals.”
(Marie Skłodowska‐Curie)
Marie Curie Global Fellowship
Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Global Individual Fellowship is an action under Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, one of the most competitive fellowships offered by the European Union to prepare fellows for leading positions in Science and Industry.
Prof. Wolfram Jäger
Technical University
of Dresden
Dr. Kenan Michel
I'm a Marie-Curie Fellow.
In April 2018 I started my MSCA-fellowship (Marie Skłodowska‐Curie Action) at the University of California in San Diego, UCSD. The department of Structural Engineering has the biggest outside shake table to simulate earthquakes; additionally many courses and research projects are running in the department.
The beneficiary organization for the fellowship is the Technical University of Dresden in Germany, Chair of Structural Design at the Faculty of Architecture (academic).
It is represented by Prof. Jäger, Chair of department Structural Design.
Prof. Benson Shing
University of California in
San Diego
Dipl. Math. Thomas Hartmann
The partner organization for the fellowship is the University of California in San Diego, Structural Engineering (academic).
It is represented by Prof. Shing, an expert in masonry structures and earthquake engineering.
A secondment in Europe is planned at the Company of PCAE GmbH (non-academic).
It is represented by Dipl.-Math. Hartmann, owner and manager of the company.
13th North American
Masonry Conference
Salt Lake City
June 16-19, 2019